Certified ScrumMaster (A-CSM)®
Marcelo's A-CSM Syllabus
Certified Scrum Master?
We have spent time (6 years and counting) continually improving this course so we can provide the absolute best learning experience for new (and actively working) Scrum Masters. Being a Scrum Master today isn't like it used to be when WE first were Scrum Masters, but we are actively involved with practicing Scrum Masters, so our classes stay true to what our students will actually see at work.
When we work as consultants for our clients, we ARE Scrum MasterING right alongside our clients Scrum Masters and "Feel the pain" right alongside you.
We walk the walk, with you.
Scrum Refresher
We'll re-establish a baseline of what Scrum IS and isn't.
Set a foundation on Scrum aligned to the 2020 revision of the Scrum Guide, and what those updates mean.
Refresh out understanding of the different elements that make up the framework itself.
Self-Managing Teams
What does "self-managing" mean for individuals and teams?
Review of the differences between "working groups" and teams, as well as what makes a Team a "Real Team"
Understand what the journey from "individuals working together" to "individuals and interactions as a team" looks like, and how the Scrum Master facilitates that.
Coaching and the Scrum Master
What is "coaching" as a Scrum Master who is supporting the Team and Organization.
What "stances" can a Scrum Master coach from?
How can active listening be applied along with exploration through powerful questions help other uncover their own insights and take action.
Apply these through a simulation of a common workplace scenario.
Products and Product Visions and Backlogs
Review and assess why a Product Vision and Product Goals are essential for helping members of the team and their stakeholders to have productive interactions.
Review how Story Mapping is a collaborative technique to uncover Product Goals and help a Product Backlog emerge.
Explore and assess how Product Backlogs emerge from a Vision and Goals through a simulation of a non-software project.
Definition of Done - Deep Dive
Review and assess our present understanding of how the DoD applies to our team's quality.
Review some examples of applying different DoD's and discuss what opportunities we have to improve our team's efforts of making a quality product, sustainably.
Formulate an approach for how a meeting to address our DoD and/or technical debt would look like. Including what coaching stance(s) and facilitation techniques we'd apply.
Team Impediments
Assess the issue of Impediments the team encounters.
Review several different approaches to researching the causes behind what impedes a team's self-improvement and improving the product it creates.
Apply some of these approaches to a selection real-life instances of impediments commonly encountered by teams and formulate and example of how the Scrum Master would help the team pursue addressing the impediment from within the Team.
Change Management & Scal
Review different Change Management approaches and how these apply as the nature of the Product grows (or scales)
Overview of different approaches to applying multiple Scrum Teams to creating a product, and what happens to Product OwnerSHIP as well as other functional area that may be present in an organization.
Review the current environment a student operates in as a Scrum Master and how this modules material can be applied back to their work today.
Course Re-cap
We'll wrap up the course with an appreciative review of the ground we've covered and discuss "What's next?"
Agile & Lean Foundations
Review of the Agile Manifesto and what led up to it, and the influences of Lean, TPS
Overview of the Kanban Method
Overview of Extreme Programming (XP) practices and principles
Assess how we're currently doing in our professional practice and what could be better.
Basic Facilitation Techniques
Understand what facilitation is in general as well as in context to the Scrum Team.
Learn about several facilitations techniques and applying them (Liberating Structures, etc.)
Assess any facilitation techniques the student has used in the past and formulate ideas how to improve them.
Facilitating meetings in practice
Review "the process" of facilitation through an examination of what a goes into preparing, facilitating and achieving a meetings objectives/goals with actions and outcomes that tie back to the purpose for the meeting.
Prepare for and run through a simulation of an example team event involving (a) stakeholder(s) and members of the team.
Product Backlog Decomposition and Refinement
Review and assess how a Product Backlog can be decomposed and examples of Backlog Items the team can create increments of Product through Example Mapping (with a brief overview of Behavior-Driven Development)
Overview of different strategies for how to decompose backlog items via horizontal and vertical slicing approaches..
A continuation of the non-software project simulation from the previous module, applying this modules learnings to the backlog items and Product Goals.
Backlog Item Deeper Dive
Dispel the myth that Product Backlog Items are just a list of "User Stories".
Who captures, defines, orders, and estimates any work.
What is the "value" of a backlog item?
Who is responsible for managing all that stuff?
Organizational Impediments
Continue the last modules conversation expanding to the realm of impediments a team navigates that are systemic (or organizational) in nature or sourced from.
Review and assess the impact of poor or absent Product Ownership, and other organizational dysfunctions.
Learn about Conflict Management and how to leverage constructive conflict while trying to keep destructive conflict from derailing the Teams process and decision-making.
Review different forms of "Scrum but" that commonly occur due to organizational dysfunctions.
Apply this modules insights to a students current organizational impediments and create a plan to improve your Scrum MasterING to help work on eliminating at least 1 impediment.
Personal Scrum Master Improvement Plan
The capstone exercise to the course.
The student will review their present day mode and demonstration of Scrum and the Scrum Values, as a Scrum Master.
Create a plan for several personal improvements that student in good faith will set for themselves to improve their own application of Scrum MasterING.
What Our Students Say
All I need to do is attend the class, right? Actually, attendance is mandatory, but participation is actually the big thing. For virtual classes, you can’t just turn on Zoom, turn off your camera, and walk away for 2 or 3 days. You will also need to pass a fairly easy exam for certification. The exam is included in the cost of the class, but it is not administered during the class.
I've heard the exam is open-book You are allowed to use whatever reference materials you want. You are even technically allowed to take the exam with the other students you met in class. The instructor cannot help you assemble for this though. The big rule is that you cannot have anyone help you if they are already certified.
Scrum Masters are just Agile Project Managers, right? No. Not at all. Project Managers are Project Managers. Scrum Masters are something totally different. Please leave all of your Project Managment experience at home when you take a Scrum Master class.
Why isn't the exam done during the class? The big reason is beacuse trainers are not allowed to help students with the exam. Students take the exam on their own, when they feel the time is right for them. You have until 90 days after class to take the exam – we encourage students to take it within 48 hours of the end of class.
Is there prep-work? We would prefer it if you read the Agile Manifesto, and the Scrum Guide. Most students who have not read these foundational documents have a slower time acclimating to the class.
Can I take the class twice? If you take the class once with us, we’ll allow you to keep taking it as a refresher for free. If you took it from another trainer, and you had a bad experience, click the “Ask a Question” button below – we might let you take it from us for free.
I took this class 10 years ago and my certification lapsed. Is it the same class? Yes and no. The certification is the same, but everything else is different. Scrum today is very different than Scrum 10 years ago. Scrum continues to evolve.